Lego 2K Drive was my latest foray into the AAA space and used Unreal 4.27.
This was exclusively a Tech Art role where I was brought in to be the Brick Wrangler (of sorts) and handled importing and processing (and reprocessing) Lego bricks so that they adhered to Lego product standards and the game's guidelines as well. This included custom import scripts based upon Lego's own brick format that had to be adjusted each time a new Lego set was brought in. This also meant keeping track of new bricks for that set, or recolors of existing bricks so that the bricks used to create the set were also faithfully matched in the game to boot. It was a large task that ultimately became an 'all hands on deck' to double check that all 3000 (and variant) bricks were up to snuff.
I also created an icon generator that loaded up the entire brick library directory and placed each brick into a level instance which served as a back drop to create Lego brick icons for the in game vehicle creation system. The UI team would then create and update icons as needed (or whenever new bricks came in that needed a matching icon).
The inclusion of a Switch port meant that an entirely different method of brick rendering was needed in order to fake high res fidelity onto the limited specs that the console has.The long and short of it that I created a material shader that used UV space to determine bevel strengths along edge seams to give the impression that these low resolution Lego bricks had beveled surfaces on the Switch. The rendering engineer later refined these materials into a much leaner system when more performance needed to be squuezed out.
The final steps were making sure that every brick's internal naming conventons matched the instancing system so that smaller Lego brick details such as studs and tubes were instanced on the GPU as much as possible. Gotta make sure every stud on each brick shows that Lego logo in the highest fidelity possible! That and other bits such reducing draw distances and diferent performance profiles in docked and handheld modes help ensure that the game was playable.